Most Popular Jelly Beans by State [Interactive Map]

State-by-State Ranking of Favorite Jelly Beans
Top 3 Jelly Bean Flavors from Each State
15 Years Bulk Candy Sales Data + Over 10,000 People Surveyed
Updated March 2023

March 20, 2023 By Ben George

Happy jelly bean season! With Easter and National Jelly Bean Day (April 22nd) just around the corner, we have updated our annual list of the most popular jelly bean flavors. Which flavor jelly beans will your state be gorging on this year? We've done the research and have the answer for you here. Check out the results from each state as well and overall nationwide winners. Don't miss the most popular jelly beans flavors by state in 2023.

Most Popular Jelly Beans in America

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America's Favorite Jelly Bean Flavors

Almost every year, Easter and National Jelly Bean Day both fall in April, making it the de facto Month of the Jelly Bean.

Springtime belongs to jelly beans maybe even moreso than candy corn owns the autumn season. Jelly beans certainly don't have the same level of controversy as candy corn. The thing about jelly beans, though, is they come in so many different flavors that it's more about which flavor you like.

That's what makes this map so interesting. Everyone loves jelly beans, but they're all in love with a different experience. Some love sweet, classic cherry flavor, while others prefer spicy cinnamon.

Savory flavors like buttered popcorn have become giants while the always divisive licorice jelly beans may be as close to candy corn controversy as the beans get.

As you can see from the map above, jelly bean preferences are extremely varied.

How Many Jelly Beans Are Eaten At Easter?

In a normal year, over 16 billion beans are consumed just for the Easter season. Talk about bulk candy! That should give you a clue of how popular these little colorful candies are.

While National Jelly Beans Day is April 22nd, there's not much indication that it's a driver for sales on its own right. Jelly beans are Easter candy, and spring-time candy in general. It's in the air this time of year, and people are just eating them up.

List of Jelly Bean Flavors By State

Looking at over 15 years of candy sales data from our candy store as well as partner distributors and manufacturers, as well as the results from over 10,000 survey responses, we were able to map out jelly bean flavor preferences by state as well as overall nationwide rankings.

The interactive map above illustrates each states favorite jelly bean flavor. Hover over a state to reveal the top 3 most popular in that state. The results are not specific to any one brand of jelly bean.

Here is a list if you prefer browsing that way.

State Top Flavor 2023 #2 2023 #3 2023
Alabama Watermelon Juicy Pear Black Licorice
Alaska Black Licorice Root Beer Cherry
Arizona Buttered Popcorn Cinnamon Juicy Pear
Arkansas Buttered Popcorn Root Beer Black Licorice
California Buttered Popcorn Black Licorice Cinnamon
Colorado Buttered Popcorn Root Beer Black Licorice
Connecticut Buttered Popcorn Cherry Juicy Pear
Delaware Cinnamon Toasted Marshmallow Buttered Popcorn
Florida Coffee Watermelon Juicy Pear
Georgia Black Licorice Buttered Popcorn Root Beer
Hawaii Cherry Watermelon Grape
Idaho Orange Buttered Popcorn Root Beer
Illinois Chocolate Black Licorice Grape
Indiana Blueberry Black Licorice Watermelon
Iowa Cherry Buttered Popcorn Grape
Kansas Cinnamon Black Licorice Watermelon
Kentucky Black Licorice Cinnamon Pink Strawberry
Louisiana Green Apple Buttered Popcorn Cherry
Maine Root Beer Cherry Black Licorice
Maryland Root Beer Cherry Buttered Popcorn
Massachusetts Coconut Bubblegum Watermelon
Michigan Buttered Popcorn Black Licorice Green Apple
Minnesota Buttered Popcorn Root Beer Black Licorice
Mississippi Pink Strawberry Watermelon Buttered Popcorn
Missouri Coffee Buttered Popcorn Orange
Montana Black Licorice Cotton Candy Cinnamon
Nebraska Sour Black Licorice Blueberry
Nevada Coffee Cinnamon Coconut
New Hampshire Watermelon Juicy Pear Grape
New Jersey Black Licorice Peach Cherry
New Mexico Cherry Cinnamon Watermelon
New York Sour Buttered Popcorn Toasted Marshmallow
North Carolina Black Licorice Grape Cinnamon
North Dakota Buttered Popcorn Cinnamon Black Licorice
Ohio Buttered Popcorn Black Licorice Cinnamon
Oklahoma Coffee Green Apple Toasted Marshmallow
Oregon Watermelon Sour Black Licorice
Pennsylvania Buttered Popcorn Black Licorice Blueberry
Rhode Island Blueberry Buttered Popcorn Pink Strawberry
South Carolina Cherry Black Licorice Root Beer
South Dakota Pink Strawberry Cinnamon Root Beer
Tennessee Black Licorice Juicy Pear Blueberry
Texas Buttered Popcorn Cinnamon Black Licorice
Utah Black Licorice Cherry Banana
Vermont Juicy Pear Orange Island Punch
Virginia Cinnamon Watermelon Buttered Popcorn
Washington Juicy Pear Orange Pink Strawberry
West Virginia Buttered Popcorn Blueberry Cinnamon
Wisconsin Cotton Candy Watermelon Root Beer
Wyoming Juicy Pear Cinnamon Cotton Candy


Top 21 Jelly Bean Flavors Nationwide

As a nation, sometimes it seems like we can't agree on anything. Our size, diversity and multitude of culturally-influenced preferences creates a rainbow of opinions. This particular rainbow happens to be made of jelly bean opinions.

Here's a quick look at the Top Ten:

Rank Top 10 Jelly Bean Flavors
1 Buttered Popcorn
2 Black Licorice
3 Cinnamon
4 Cherry
5 Watermelon
6 Root Beer
7 Juicy Pear
8 Blueberry
9 Coffee
10 Orange

...And the full featured list of the Top 21 flavors:

#1 Buttered Popcorn - New Winner!

Salty and buttery, Buttered Popcorn is riding high once again, jumping over Black Licorice and Cinnamon to regain it's #1 crown. Black licorice had pushed it aside last year, and it is still nipping at popcorn's heels, but the king stands tall.

Both flavors incite strong opinions, positive and negative, but in the end, it has done the work. The results don't lie and this year buttered popcorn is the number one jelly bean flavor in America again.

#2 Black Licorice

Black Licorice is no slouch though. It had been on a losing streak, falling from the #1 spot 4 years ago down to #3. It took a step forward last year to the #2 spot.

The number two spot is very near the top and there's no denying the immense popularity of black licorice jelly beans. They are polarizing to be sure, but enough people still love them to push them above what was traditionally the top jelly bean flavor in the western hemisphere: cherry.

#3 Cinnamon – Reigning Champion

But before we get the cherry, another relative newcomer has jumped the George Washington flavor as well.

Cinnamon made steady progress towards the top over the past few years. It finally overtook the #1 spot last year alough it's dropped to #3 here. This spicy red jelly bean flavor is part of a trend of spicy candy we noticed a while back.

Things have been heating up for cinnamon jelly beans. Sour candy, spicy candy, savory candy are all becoming more and more popular. In fact, the top 3 jelly bean flavors do not include a sweet or fruity flavor at all!

Spicy and packing heat, cinnamon is the #3 jelly bean flavor.

#4 Cherry

Cherry jelly beans are like the jelly bean elder. They've been around for a long time and were once the kings of jelly bean flavors, reigning for more than 20 years. It's no longer in the top 3, but perhaps its time has not yet come.

Cherry was #4 last year as well. Maintaining it's place on the charts is impressive for a sweet fruity flavor in this new savory/spicy world we live in. Only time will tell if Cherry can reclaim a place on the podium, or fall back into the fray of other fruity flavors.

#5 Watermelon

Watermelon jumped up respectably from #7 spot to fifth place this year. Popular coast to coast, and sweet in favor like cherry, watermelon jelly beans may be part of a renaissance wave of sweet flavored jelly beans moving back up the charts.

#6 Root Beer

Maine's favorite flavor, Root Beer, has been moving up fast. Jumping 2 more spots again this year to make the number 6 spot, it has moved 9 spots up in 4 years. It doesn't have much more room to go up!

That's some big moves for a classic flavor and could be another challenge to fruity flavors hoping to mount a comeback.

#7 Juicy Pear

Juicy Pear is sort of a new classic jelly bean flavor. It has reached a high level of popularity in a relatively short lifespan. This year it even took over as the #1 flavor in Vermont, Wyoming and Washington!

#8 Blueberry

Blueberry jelly beans, the flavor they invented specifically to make the blue in red white and blue, has risen dramatically from #16, up 8 spots. Useful for their blue color, which is a popular color for event candy, blueberry jelly beans may be part of the sweet flavored beans making a run.

#9 Coffee

Coffee had a major year last year, jumping from the #16 spot all the way up here to #6. It was the biggest move of the year and felt like it was overdue. This year, they cooled off a bit but still remain in the top ten at #9.

Coffee, the drink, has never been more popular, and coffee flavored treats and gifts are on the rise. Coffee flavored jelly beans are no different, making strong moves and mixing it up with various flavor varieties like latte and espresso (which we lumped together).

#10 Orange

Orange flavor remained at #10 this year. Orange has held strong as a classic jelly bean flavor to remain in the top ten. It even took the top spot in Idaho!

#11 Strawberry

Strawberry jelly beans have seen a reversal of fortune. Just when they thought they were in free fall at #17, they have been able to right the ship and level off at #11.

#12 Sour

Sour flavored jelly beans have stayed pretty steadily just outside the top ten most popular flavor. They were #1 in New York and now Nebraska too! It's no secret that New Yorkers love sour candy.

#13 Green Apple

A Green Apple jelly bean a day keeps the doctor away. Green Apple was reeling after dropping to #15, but has climbed a few notches back to #13. A classic old school jelly bean flavor, Green Apple can still hold its head high as a top 15 flavor.

#14 Coconut

Coconut has fallen back to #14 this year. It's another classic flavor that's not super fruity and doing well. Something about those fruity flavors aren't hitting home as much as they used to. Is this just a product of widespread flavor diversity?

#15 Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy has been knocking on the door of the top ten for a few years now. This year it took a step back from #11 to #15.

This fair ground-inspired flavor is all sweetness without the fruity. For some people it's the perfect combination of sweet and no citrus.

#16 Chocolate

Chocolate jelly beans dropped slightly this year, 2 spots from the #14 to #16 place. Chocolate lovers might wonder why it's not even higher, but they did claim the #1 spot in Illinois yet again!

#17 Toasted Marshmallow

Toasted Marshmallow dropped big time from the #6 spot last year. It was the biggest drop of the year. This year they tumbled further to #17.

The toasty flavor warms the heart and the belly. It's a great flavor to compliment other flavors and cut through some of the super sweet fruity flavors with a more creamy and slightly savory taste. It however, is not the top flavor in any one state, and it's popularity is clearly waning.

#18 Grape

Grape stayed strong at #18, same as last year. Purple is a strong color and is an asset to Grape jelly beans. Purple is one of the most popular candy colors and there are not many other purple flavors.

#19 Banana

Banana flavored jelly beans stayed at #19, not much movement there. Banana is a classic candy flavor that isn't super traditional for jelly beans, but the popularity of Jelly Belly has made it more prominent in recent years.

#20 Bubblegum

Bubblegum flavor fell 3 spots from #17 last year, making it a 6 spot loss over 3 years. So bubblegum is in a downtrend. This may reflect a trend towards less sugary flavors and more savory and spicy ones. Similar in color and flavor to Cotton Candy, it's moving in the opposite direction. Could there be a zero sum game between them?

#21 Red Apple

Red Apple remains at the #21 spot. Red apple has done well to stay moderately high even though its greener brother is the more famous of the apple flavors.

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