
Your ultimate guide to candy trivia and facts!

A Lesson in Gobstoppers

Gobstoppers to teach science, what a concept! The entire class is given a gobstopper to suck and told that they are sucking away the layers of the planet. The first layer is the earths crust, easily recognized as gone from the gobstopper when the outer color of the blue planet is breached and the students have revealed the outer mantle.

Candy and Chocolate History Timeline

Candy and chocolate have been around for a long time, perhaps longer than you think. The National Confectioners Association maintains a timeline of notable events in the world of candy and chocolate. You may be surprised at the age of some of your favorite habits like chewing gum.

Candy – not Candy

So you thought that maybe candy was just a sweet, tasty, confectionary treat, desert and briber of small children? Wrong! Candy, perhaps because of the allusion to the sweet confectionary treats we all love, has been the favored name of everything from cars to cologne. Candy in literature, film and music has been used in titles and lyrics perhaps more than any other item that comes to mind.

Gummy Bear Colors Personality Profiles

Yellow is warm like sunshine and represents hope and happiness. Everyone has a favorite color of gummy bears candy so the question is does your favorite gummy colored candy reflect your personality or is it just coincidence? The following information about colors will help you to decide. Yellow, in addition to that already said, is also...

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