Candy Cool Pops - 12ct

Candy Cool Pops - 12ct
  • $77.99

Price per pop: $6.50

Product Details

It is the middle of summer, the electricity is out from a storm, and everyone is complaining that they are hot. So, what do you do? Hand out Candy Cool Pops, of course.

This is not your typical candy! The top portion is a toy fan with soft flexible blades. They will help you keep cool in a safe and fun way. The candy pop handle is just an added bonus. It is truly the tastiest and coolest way to cool off on a hot day.

Although these Cool Fan Pops are always a hit at kids' parties, they are certainly not just for the younger generation. Adults love these treats, too. Enjoy one at the pool, or while you are sitting in the heat watching a baseball game that's gone on so long you've lost track of the innings. Candy Cool Pops are ideal to give away as gifts, but they certainly can be kept in your secret stash of goodies, if you'd rather not share!

SKU: O343620

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