Fair Time Taffy Sugar Free - 12ct

Fair Time Taffy Sugar Free - 12ct lsgibnasst.store
  • $45.99

This sugar free taffy boasts a delicious punch of flavor without any of the sugar!

Price per unit: $3.83

Product Details

This sugar free taffy boasts a delicious punch of flavor without any of the sugar. That means you can enjoy these Sugar Free Fair Time Taffy candies without any guilt—just sheer pleasure! In a number of colors and flavors, you'll be able to enjoy something different every time you reach into the bag.

If you have health concerns, want to please your dentist, or just love sweet treats without all of the added calories and sugar, these Sugar Free Fair Time Taffy candies are a great choice to bring home and enjoy. Stock up today and keep these around when you need to stave off a sweet tooth without doing any damage to your diet or dental regimen.

Who said you can't have your perfect waist line and enjoy a sweet treat too? Well, whoever it was must never have discovered out Sugar Free Fair Time Taffy!

SKU: F314299

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