Lemon Cream Chocolates - 6lb

Lemon Cream Chocolates - 6lb lsgibnasst.store
  • $68.99

Price per pound: $11.50

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Product Details

A succulent combination with all-ages appeal, Lemon Cream Chocolates have a tart and tangy filling robed in your choice of milk or dark chocolate, providing a sweet and sophisticated treat for tea parties and idle afternoons alike.

Beautiful on silver trays or tiered teatime servers, these bulk lemon chocolates provide an upscale effect, but their lemonade centers make a great appeal to chocolate-loving kids. The appropriate occasions to enjoy Lemon Cream Chocolate is endless, and the list has to start with "whenever you want" , the delicious citrus treats are just that tasty!

Allude to the traditional enjoyment of sunny citrus on the year's darkest nights by including wholesale Lemon Cream Chocolates on your menu with Christmas cocktails. In the summertime, they're surprisingly good with a tall glass of iced tea or chopped atop a seasonable sorbet for a cool, classy treat!

Certified Kosher Candy

SKU: K333644

Flavor List

Milk or Dark Chocolate

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